
Friday, October 10, 2014

Bristol Palin slut-shamed, dragged in bloody brawl

ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -- Bristol Palin -- the party girl daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin -- was slut-shamed triggering the bloody, drunken donnybrook at the snowmobile party last month. TMZ is reporting that Bristol's sister, Willow, 20, was shoved by the wife of the host and Bristol jumped to her defence. "Heavily intoxicated" Bristol told cops the woman's hubby Korey Klingenmeyer pushed the drunken stunner to the ground, dragged her around by her feet  and called her a slut and a c--t. Others claim it was everyone's favorite hometown GOP cutie who kicked off the melee by slugging Klingenmeyer 5-6 times after being given the boot from the bash.  Mama Palin said: "My straight-shooter is one of the strongest young women you'll ever meet." MORE IN THE NY DAILY NEWS

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