
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lawsuit: 'Sperm bank mix-up lead to black baby'

Jennifer Cramblett with her daughter Payton.
UNIONTOWN, OHIO -- You can be my baby it don't matter if your black or white....
However, an Ohio woman is suing a sperm bank alleging that they mistakenly gave her vials from an African American donor which is now making it difficult for you to raise your two-year-old daughter.
Jennifer Cramblett, said her daughter Payton, now two, will be stigmatized by the "intolerant," all white community of Uniontown, Ohio.
After searching through pages of comprehensive histories for their top three donors Cramblett, 36, and her partner Amanda Zinkon chose white donor, No 380., from the Midwest Sperm Bank.
However, the lawsuit alleges that their doctor in Ohio received No. 330., the lawsuit said.
She only discovered after she was pregnant that she had been inseminated with the wrong batch, the lawsuit filed at Cook County Circuit Court, said.
Payton, now two, is already experiencing prejudice in Uniontown, where 90 percent of residents are white, their affidavit says.
Cramblett told NBC News that she was happy to have a healthy child but she was not going to let them get away with not being accountable.
Midwest Sperm Bank declined to comment.

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