
Friday, October 10, 2014

NFL star Adrian Peterson 'smoked a little weed'

If his career wasn't up in smoke before, it probably is now, because NFL star Adrian Peterson has allegedly admitted to smoking "a little weed" during a urine analysis.
The Minnesota Vikings running back made the astonishing claim to an employee conducting the exam, according to a motion filed by Montgomery County DA Brett Ligon in a Texas court.
Peterson who was indicted last month on a felony child abuse charge is currently out on a $15,000 bond, a condition of which is not to smoke marijuana.
He has denied that he intended to harm his four-year-old son by spanking him with a wooden switch which could see him jailed for up to two-years and fined $10,000.
A judge will now rule on the motion to determine whether a warrant should be issued for his arrest.

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