
Friday, October 24, 2014

Roksana Sikorski plotted to kill parents; they forgive

DETROIT -- A 15-year-old girl who stabbed her kid brother and plotted to kill her parents with her older boyfriend still has their support. 
Roksana Sikorski has been charged as an adult for the attack on her 12-year-old sibling, who survived despite being stabbed in the throat.
But her mom Laurene told WDIV that she suffers from mental illness and was under the spell of 23-year-old Michael Rivera, who they had filed a statutory rape complaint against.
"I think she just thought this guy loved her and she wanted to do whatever he told her," Laurene Sikorski told the station. "She was very vulnerable and she as a mental disorder. I want to make sure she gets help."

The girl, who was one of three children adopted from Poland can still see her parents but was ordered to have no contact with any of her siblings. She was ordered held on a $1 million bond.
The family's lawyer Laurie Posner said they had lived in "an abusive and neglectful home" in the eastern European country, adding "they suffered horribly."
Rivera is also held on $1 million bond faces the same charges and felonious assault.

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