
Friday, October 17, 2014

Pervert Cassidy twins, 77, face litany of sex charges

LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY -- Meet the brothers Grim. Hard to believe these twisted old farts are serial child molesters but it's apparently true. Jack and Jerry Cassidy, 77, have been indicted for a litany of sex-related offenses against young boys dating back more than 40 years. Here's the dirt on these sickos:
* Jerry Allen Cassidy was indicted on one count of possession of a matter portraying a sex performance by a minor, two counts of second-degree sodomy, four counts of indecent and immoral practices with a child younger than 15, one count of third-degree sodomy and one count of first-degree sexual abuse.
* Jack Elliot Cassidy, was indicted on all the same charges but with one less count of indecent and immoral practices with another, according to the indictment returned Monday.
All their alleged victims were under 16.
The twisted old pups also pleaded guilty to sex charges in 1977 when they were leading a Lexington Boy Scout troopMORE IN THE HERALD LEADER

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