
Friday, October 3, 2014

Real Housewives 'stars' guilty; jailed for fraud

NEW JERSEY -- They should have been prosecuted for crimes against television but instead, Teresa and Guiseppe Giudice of "Real Housewives of New Jersey" fame will serve time for conspiracy and bankruptcy fraud charges.
"I fully take responsibility for my actions. I need to learn to take responsibility for myself" a tearful Teresa, told the Federal court in Newark after she was sentenced to 15 months in prison.
"I am more sorry than anybody will ever know or understand," the 42-year-old added.

After admitting in March that they hid assets from bankruptcy creditors and submitted bogus loan applications to get around $5 million in mortgages and construction loans, the pair pleaded guilty to conspiracy mail and wire fraud and three types of bankruptcy fraud.

Joe Giudice also pleaded guilty to failing to file a tax return for 2004 and he acknowledged that he didn't file taxes on income of around $1 million between 2004 and 2008.
Both blamed an accountant for the omission.
After his wife does her time, the 43-year-old who was allowed to serve his sentence separately so he could look after their four children, will serve 43 months.
As an Italian citizen however, he could be deported upon completion of his prison term.
Start a petition now people.

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