
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Satan worshipers busted in sick NC double murder

CLEMMONS, NORTH CAROLINA -- A bizarre story is unfolding in a small town in North Carolina with the discovery of two bodies buried in shallow graves. A Satan worshipping couple -- wait for it, Pazuzu Illah Algarad, 35, and Amber Nicole Burch, 24 -- have been charged with murder and now another young women has become ensnared in their web. Krystal Nicole Matlock, 28,has been charged as an accessory after the fact. So what's this about, well on his mailbox, Algarad warns gang members, government employees and all others that "evil will triumph."

Crazy ass Pazuzu changed his named in 2002 for religious reasons, the Winston-Salem Journal reports, noting that Pazuzu is "the name of an Assyrian demon whose name was used in the movie, The Exorcist."
Old Pazuzu was known to perform Satanic rituals at the home and he and Burch were married in some weird occult rite. So far, NADA is known about the victims, how they died or why they died.

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