
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Satan worshipers busted in sick NC double murder

CLEMMONS, NORTH CAROLINA -- A bizarre story is unfolding in a small town in North Carolina with the discovery of two bodies buried in shallow graves. A Satan worshipping couple -- wait for it, Pazuzu Illah Algarad, 35, and Amber Nicole Burch, 24 -- have been charged with murder and now another young women has become ensnared in their web. Krystal Nicole Matlock, 28,has been charged as an accessory after the fact. So what's this about, well on his mailbox, Algarad warns gang members, government employees and all others that "evil will triumph."

Ray Etheridge murder suspect was boiling with rage

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY -- The man accused of 12-year-old homeless boy Ray Allen Etheridge in a Louisville park was a boiling cauldron of hate and resentment. And Joseph Cambron, 21, should know: He's the one saying it. "I mean there's just so many cases of me just blowing up," Joseph Cambron told police in an unrelated sexual-abuse case.
He is now charged with murder and tampering with physical evidence in the murder of seventh-grader  Ray. Cops say Cambron and Ray and the young boy got into a scrap last Tuesday afternoon in the park. Cambron is  6-foot-3, 185-lbs while little Ray was just 5-foot-4 and 118-lbs. The boy died of multiple stab woulds. MORE IN THE COURIER-JOURNAL

Pervert pretended he was Twilight star Kiowa Gordon

JASPER COUNTY, CALIFORNIA -- A twisted California man pretended to be one of the young heartthrobs from the soapy teen movie Twilight.  Now, David A. LaVera, 33, has been indicted on child porn charges.
Cops say: "In August, LaVera was charged locally with two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and two counts of invasion of privacy for allegedly using his smartphone to video a 12-year-old victim taking a shower and a 13-year-old victim using the bathroom at a Newton home. According to court documents, LaVera later uploaded that video onto his laptop computer for viewing."
Cops say LaVera allegedly posed as "Kiowa Gordon," an actor in the Twilight series, and visited local schools. MORE FROM THE NEWTON DAILY NEWS

Wisc. duo had sex in back of cop car - on way to jail

GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN -- Love always finds a way -- even in the darkest hours. A pair of Wisconsin lovebirds arrested for allegedly drunk driving decided to have sex in the backseat of the cop car on the way to jail. Cops in the cheese state say Travis 'The Machine' Husnik, 33, and Heather Basten, 29, were pulled over for drunk driving in Oconto County. Eventually, the disgusted cop told Travisto pull his pants up.
"At a minimum, the mildest word that I can think of, the most favorable word I can think of, is your conduct is completely disrespectful to the officer," Judge Jay Conley said later in court.
"The process of being arrested is supposed to be somewhat unpleasant ... and you end up having a tryst. Incredible." MORE IN THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

MUGSHOT MANIA! Last time this accountant parties

Mild mannered seems to be the order. We don't know what went wrong exactly but if we had to guess, it would be a couple of sherries after going over the books and then ... WHAMO! RIDE strikes.