
Thursday, February 24, 2011


MEET Ashley Fowler, who was so pig sick that her friend got dumped by the redneck in this video that she decapitated his piglets:

Police haven't said anything about a motive, but this loser guy who is apparently one of the owners of the pigs is saying the woman was allegedly retaliating over a breakup.
So scared is he of crazy Ashley that he didn't want to reveal his identity.
But he told WKTR: "The girl I broke up with, her friend is crazy as sin," he said.
"If you do seditious stuff like that, you need to go to jail and spend a lot of time in there."
Though the owner had only the pigs for a few months, as a pig farmer, he's upset someone messed with his property.
He says, "It's better the law catch her than I do, because I'm pretty fired up about it. And I'd want to take it into my own hands, but I can't because then I'd go to jail too. I don't want to go to jail for something they done."
Aside from the two felony counts, Fowler is also charged with vandalism and possession of prescription drugs.

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