
Friday, February 25, 2011


A MAN who secretly ejaculated into an  co-worker's water bottle and then left it for her to drink from has been told to expect jail. 
Michael Kevin Lallana's victim named only as Tiffany G left her water bottle on her desk one Friday last January. 
When she returned to Newport's Northwestern Mutual Financial Network office the following Monday, she took a swig and noticed a foul taste that seemed like semen, so she threw out the bottle.
A few months later she again tasted semen in her water but Orange Police told her they couldn't open an investigation on speculation of a crime. 
So she took the bottle to a laboratory to have it tested.
The results revealed the horrible truth -someone had ejaculated in her drink.
Orange detectives started questioning the company's employees. 
Lallana eventually admitted that he put his semen in the water bottle because "her lips had touched" it.
He told Cops interviewing him: "I saw her water bottle and I did it. For me, it's a release. I think about my wife."
He added that he found Tiffany attractive.
He said: "It was the closest I could ever get to someone as good looking as that without tampering with my marriage or hurting anyone."
The jury didn't see it that way however, convicting him of two counts of misdemeanor battery and they found true a sentencing enhancement allegation that Michael Kevin Lallana committed the crime for sexual gratification.
He faces up to a year in jail when he's sentenced in April.

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