
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


IN what some legal insiders are calling a potentially idiotic move, the idiotic Lindsay Lohan has declared herself innocent in the theft of that necklace, and is hellbent on going to trial. Lohan met with her lawyer Shawn Holley Tuesday afternoon who  explained the onetime actress' legal options.  Yet, despite the risk of a lengthy stay in prison, Lindsay insisted on going ahead. Brave but dumb.
It's a brazen move by Li-Lo who could face up to three years behind bars on the grand larceny charge. The hard-partying Georgia Rules star (was it really four years ago?) ruled out taking a plea deal – an option that many in Tinseltown thought she’d jump at. Yet, there may be method to her madness.  Had Lohan taken the plea she would have been given probation.  Given the sometime friend of Sappho's
penchant for partying and run-ins with the law, it is unlikely she’d
stay out of trouble for the duration – sending her straight to prison.  At this point, it could well be that a verdict of innocent, however unlikely that may be, is her only shot at escaping the BIG HOUSE. Unless, of course, mum Dina bakes a cake with a file inside. Nonetheless, looks like Lohan's 'career' won't be interupted even if she does go to jail: she has zero projects in the pipeline.
Lohan will begin her defence in front of Judge Stephanie Sautner, a judge with a ‘firm but fair’ rep.  The preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 22nd. CRIME SCENE USA PREDICTION? See ya in a few years Linds'.

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