
Friday, March 18, 2011


CLUCKING mad school bosses failed to see the funny side of a high school prank which saw three students releasing live chickens into the school.  
New Jersey students Anthony Cesareo and Tyler Bruno, both 17, along with 18-year-old Bryan Pater thought their prank would get some laughs and leave a legacy.
Instead, all their getting is charges.
The terrible threesome said they bought live chickens from a store in Newark and pushed the chickens through a window at their high school in the middle of the night.
A janitor found the birds in the morning before school started. 

"We confessed. We told the truth. Now we’re getting charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, not allowed to go to prom, not allowed to go to graduation, and all that,” Cesareo told WCBS.
Investigators said they can't release more information on the 17-year-olds because they're juveniles, but said Pater has been charged with trespassing, reports WCBS. Pater faces a $1,000 fine and six months in prison, though it seems unlikely he'll serve any time, although it's more likely that he will get community service.

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