
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


CRAZY Charlie Sheen is at it again - but this time he's armed with a machete.
On the day that he was officially fired from his role on popular sitcom "Two and a Half Men" he drank from a bottle labelled "tiger blood" and brandished a machete from the top of Live Nation's Beverly Hills offices seen here:

Nutty Sheen then paraphrased Martin Luther King when asked about losing his job, telling reporters he felt: "Free at last, free at last!"

Back on the ground, Sheen said that Warner Bros. never called him to say he was fired.
"I got a text or something," he said. "Here's another thing - these guys are such yellow cockroaches that they didn't even have the decency to call me."
Sheen's lawyer Marty Singer confirmed that he now plans to sue Warner Bros calling their position of "ridiculous."
He said: "We will proceed with our claims against Chuck Lorre and Warner Bros. Nothing has changed in terms of that."

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