
Friday, March 11, 2011


IF his deadly plan had come to fruition Cops say his attack may have been worse than the Columbine High School massacre.
Pinellas County Sheriff's busted a 16-year-old was plotting to commit a "Columbine-type reenactment assault" at the campus, while attempting to recruit fellow students help in carrying out the act.
With him a book studying the Michigan massacre, maps of the school and a list of firearms used to carry out the killings.
According to investigators, the teen recruit  was targeting people who had a history of being cruel or neglectful to animals.
Once the plan was discovered, deputies started an investigation, and based on statements made by teen, he was admitted to a mental health facility on Friday, March 4.
As the investigation continued, deputies uncovered further evidence describing, in detail, how he planned to carry out the act.
The evidence gave deputies enough probable cause to arrest the teen on Wednesday when he was released from the mental health facility. He is now in the Pinellas Juvenile Assessment Center, charged with solicitation to commit murder.

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