
Friday, March 11, 2011


MAD Marni Yang confessed to killing the pregnant ex-girlfriend of former Chicago Bear Shaun Gayle, hours after she gunned down her victim her longtime friend told a packed courtroom yesterday.
Self described psychic Christi Paschen said just hours after the killing Yang told her that she almost didn't go through with the murder of Rhoni Reuter, before telling her about the killing.  
Paschen, who has known her for more than 18-years told the jury that Yang:  “pushed the door opened and stepped inside and kept shooting,”

She added that Yang told her she described spotting an ultrasound photo of Reuter’s baby on the refrigerator and had also mentioned seeing baby clothes piled on a dining-room table and said she took a bracelet she saw lying on a counter.
Paschen later led cops to the alleged bracelet after being told by her pal where it was buried. 
Wearing a dark wig and makeup to disguise her appearance, Yang waited with a pistol in the hall outside Reuter’s Deerfield condominium but got tired of waiting for her to appear Paschen testified about her longtime friend.
But when she arrived, she blasted her.  
Prosecutor's are expected to play conversations that Paschen — who cooperated with authorities — secretly recorded with Yang in 2009 in which Yang also discussed the killing.
They allege that Yang, who had sex with Gayle the night before the murder, killed Reuter because she was upset that Reuter was pregnant with Gayle’s baby.
Paschen said Yang told her the night before the murder that she planned to killher.
She said: “I was trying to talk her out of doing it. I really didn’t believe she would do it. I didn’t think she could.”
That same night she said, Yang asked her to do a tarot-card reading for her to see if her killing would be successful.
During the reading, a “sun card” came up, which Paschen said signifies “success in achieving a goal.”
Before Paschen fell asleep that night, she said Yang told her she would think about her friend’s advice not to kill Reuter.
When Paschen awoke the next morning, Yang was gone. 
The trial continues


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