
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


PARTY girl Casey Anthony's lawyers have begged a judge not to allow camera's into the courtroom for her potentially explosive upcoming court case.
The young mom who is accused of her killing her two-year-old daughter Caylee, is expected to generate huge media interest when her trial starts next month.
Details of her racy sex life, and kinky parties she attended are expected to feature prominently in the prosecution case against her, as it's thought they will focus on the idea that Anthony killed her daughter because she wanted to party.   

Hoping to avoid some of that coverage her lawyer tried to get the judge in the case to prohibit cameras at Anthony's upcoming trial, a report says.

But their request was refused.
Superior Court Judge Belvin Perry Jr said: "We don't live in Egypt. We don't live in Libya,"  said in the Orlando courtroom when asked by Jose Baez about restricting news coverage reports CNN.
"There's a thing called the First Amendment. Whether we like it or not, it's in the Constitution."
Anthony, 25, remains in jail on first-degree murder charges in the death of her daughter, Caylee, whose remains were found in December 2008. 
Jury selection is scheduled to begin May 9.

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