
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


MASKED in a bandana and wearing bland black clothing, she calmly walked into the store, pulled out a pistol and demanded the cash. 
But despite her air of professionalism, the thief holding the weapon was just 12-years-old and a store regular.  
Employees recognized the girl and swooped, one jumped on her and held her down while another called the cops, reports MyFoxDetroit.
"She pointed a gun to me. I thought it was a joke at first," a store employee said on the 911 call. "How were they trying to rob you?" the worker was asked on the 911 call. She basically had a mask on and pointed a gun to me … She's on the floor right now," the woman replied.
Cops say the girl had a key to the next door neighbor's house and she took the gun from there after letting her house in with a key she had.
Oakland County Sheriff's Department say there may be charges for stealing a weapon as well as being charged as a juvenile with armed robbery. 

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