
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


HE'S definitely missed what the KKK is all about. 
Because black man Justin Lamar Kidd sent a warning from the violent white extremist group to both cops and the city hall in O'Fallon, small Illinois town.  
The 28-year-old is accused of mailing a letter to O'Fallon PD stating, "Get all the blacks from Chevy Chase Apartments from out of O'Fallon before we burn the hole [sic] complex down. KKK warning."
Another letter, mailed to the O'Fallon City Hall, reads, "Get all the blacks out of O'Fallon before we start burning the[ir] houses down."
He has been charged with conveying false threats for the notes, which according to his indictment he knew to be false when he sent them in November, 2006.
The charges carry a maximum sentence of ten years in prison and $250,000 fine.
It is not known whether Lamar Kidd is a supporter of the group, known for lynching African Americans, or whether he's just lost the plot.
We're thinking it's probably the latter.

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