
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


TERRIBLE twins Edwin and Edward Berndt let their frail old mom die and then left her rotting corpse on the floor for bugs and maggots to rip devour.  
The gruesome twosome's mother Sybil, 89, fell onto the floor of the foyer in the home she shared with her sons in January.
But although she was conscious and able to talk, neither of them helped her up, so after three days with no food or water she died what must have been an agonizingly slow death.

Then, they just left her there, to be found by a cop three months later who had been alerted by a neighbor about her mystery disappearance.
Edwin Berndt, 48, initially tried make out that there was nothing wrong, but the terrible stench from her corpse made him forced his way in.
There, he found the mother’s body lying face down on the floor in her nightgown, without any underwear.
The disgusting pair told cops they didn't help her because they didn't have the money for health care, the same reason they gave for not burying her.
Cops soon found this lie to be bogus however, when they found bank statements in their house to the tune of $700,000.
Both have been charged with murder.

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