
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


THEY tried to make a break for it, but during their desperate bid for freedom they murdered a prison guard meaning there's only one way for them to go - the death penalty.
Serial offenders Rodney Berget and Eric Robert, both 48 didn't get very far in their attempt to escape from the South Dakota prison before they bumped into
heroic guard Robert Johnson, 63.
The 23-year veteran leapt in to stop them, but sadly died in the attempt, while another guard was also injured.
Gov. Dennis Daugaard said the state will work to ensure the future safety of prison staff.
He added: “This incident is a somber reminder that our prison guards put themselves at risk, every day, to protect South Dakota from our worst criminals.” 
Career criminal Berget was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty in Dec. 2003 to one count of attempted first-degree murder and being a habitual criminal with prior felony convictions.
He was accused of entering the home of his ex-girlfriend in Lead and shooting her and her boyfriend. Both survived.
Robert meanwhile went down for kidnapping an 18-year-old woman. 
Posing as a plainclothes police officer he pulled her over her car and then forced her into the trunk. She used her cell phone to call for help, and was found unharmed.
Now both will have swapped life sentences for death, if found guilty.

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