
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


SHE was the last person they ever thought would ever take their baby, sparking sheer terror and a massive manhunt. But Ericka Gallego, 58, snatched her sleeping grandchild Ramy from her bassinet while her parents slept beside her in the their Knightsen, CA, home and then tried to pass her off as her own. 
Cops believe she had been devising the plan for weeks and even had a baby shower for the baby, who she renamed Katrina. 
Ramy’s father and Ericka's son, Rudy Gallego said he never believed
his mother planned to harm the baby and said investigators found her in good health.
He told CBS Sacramento "She loves the baby. She just took a very big mental wrong turn. We don’t know if she came to plot it out when she was here and figure out where the baby slept."
His wife Kristen was perhaps unsurprisingly, less forgiving saying she was happy that the baby is back at home but wants her mother-in-law to go to jail for what she did. 
She said: "I never thought she was capable of it or would pre plan something like this and now I would just like to see her in jail." Gallego was booked into the Los Angeles County Jail on Monday for charges of kidnapping after being picked up thanks to a tip up to the police.

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