
Friday, June 3, 2011


IT'S BEEN six weeks since Tennessee nursing student Holly Bobo, cousin of country star Whitney Duncan, was kidnapped by a mysterious man in camouflage and there is no sign of her--anywhere. As the trail grows colder and colder her parents Dana and Karen can barely eat and are fighting to keep their spirits up. And their mood is not helped by the fact that county wide searches have stopped.
Family spokesman Kevin Bromley said: “Every passing day that we don’t find Holly is more difficult for the family. But they have not lost hope. They believe their daughter is alive.”
Here's what cops think happened, according to THE TENNESSEAN:
 The day she went missing Bobo put on her bright pink shirt, jeans and black flip-flops and packed her lunch for another day of nursing school at the nearby UT-Martin campus. Her brother, Clint, was still asleep. Their parents had already left for work. At 7:40 a.m., Holly walked to her black Ford Mustang on the long, winding driveway leading to the Bobo family’s rural Decatur County home.
Minutes later, the family’s dog barked, waking Clint. He walked to the kitchen window that faces the expansive, treelined backyard to see what the ruckus was about. A man dressed in camouflage had his sister by the arm, leading her into the woods, he later told the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
The psychology student went out to his sister’s Mustang. She was supposed to be on her way to school, he knew. Next to her car, pooled a small puddle of blood and a spilled Coke can.
Wide awake now, Clint Bobo ran into his house and called 911. He called his mother, Karen, a second-grade teacher who usually chatted by text with Holly several times a day. Panicked now, he ran into the woods where he had last seen his sister.
Nothing. She was nowhere. No more blood.
The next day, Holly Bobo’s packed lunch was found about six miles north of her home toward Interstate 40. More of Holly’s belongings were found. Investigators with the TBI aren’t saying how many, or what the items are. They’re also not saying whose blood was next to Holly’s Mustang.

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