
Friday, June 3, 2011


YESTERDAY'S episode of Party Mom goes to trial featured video of Casey Anthony by turns sobbing, giggling and generally acting like the immature woman-child America has come to know.
In the jailhouse video recorded on July 25, 2008, Anthony, 25, tells her brother her main focus is finding her missing daughter Caylee, 2.
She said sobbing: "If you can speak to the media directly, my concern for me is Caylee, No one has said for me that I love my daughter, that I want her safety and that she and the rest of my family is my only concern. All I want is to see her again, to hear
her laugh, to see her smile and to just be with our family. Nothing else matters to me at this point."

The Orlando, Florida party mom is on trial for first-degree murder and other charges involving the death of Caylee. If convicted she would be a primo candidate for execution. She claims she's innocent and her lawyers say little Caylee drowned in her grandparents' pool.
* The court also heard a tape of a police interview where Casey admits misleading them and insists that Caylee was kidnapped by the nanny named "Zanny." There is no record of such a woman.
"None of us are sitting here believing what you're saying because everything that's coming out of your mouth is a lie," Detective Yuri Melich said during the interview. Sgt. John Allen adds: "If the main thing you want to do is find your daughter, and you don't think lying to us is going to help find her, why would you do that?"

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