
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


CREEPY Anthony Sowell's house, where he is accused of killing 11 woman and hiding their remains was visited by jurors before opening statements in the potentially explosive case. The alleged serial killer is thought to have lured his victims many who had a history of drug abuse  with the promise of booze or narcotics into his Cleveland, OH home.
Then, prosecutor's assert that when they were wasted, he struck, strangling or beating them to death. 
So far 11 bodies have been identified at his duplex.  
The women disappeared one by one, starting in October 2007 and ending in September 2009. It was thought that showing the jurors the Cleveland, OH home where it's believed the killings took place, would help them gain some perspective for the upcoming testimony.
But Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Dick Ambrose was keen to point out that what jurors see 
"is not evidence, since conditions may have changed since the time of the events in this case."
It took nearly three weeks to seat the jury from a pool of about 200 prospective jurors and now the trial is expected to start today.
Sowell, a former marine, faces the death penalty if convicted of  eighty-five counts of murder, rape and kidnapping.
He originally pled not guilty by reason of insanity but has since changed his plea to simply "not guilty."

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