
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


HE'LL think again before he decides to show off his weapon to his girlfriend - in fact he might just decide guns are a bad idea full stop. Josinar Araujo was apparently showing off his gun to his girlfriend, when it went off and blasted him right where it hurts - in the testicles.
Bridgeport, CT cops arrived on the scene and found the 24-year-old literally writhing him agony. A police insider revealed: "Of course there were a few giggles at the station and a few winces too. It must have been extremely painful.

"Needless to say if people needed a message not to fool around with guns, this is probably the best way to make the point." 
The Bridgeport News Times  reports the 24-year old was rushed to a nearby medical center, although the extent of his injuries were unclear. 
To add insult to injury, Araujo's girlfriend, Christine Belknap, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia because she had a pipe used for smoking crack cocaine.

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