
Saturday, July 9, 2011


PARTY mom Casey Anthony has refused the chance to build bridges with her own mother by snubbing her at a jail visit.
Cindy Anthony tried to reach out to her daughter, who will be released next week,  for the first time since she was sensationally cleared of murdering her toddler Caylee.
But instead Casey turned her away and refused to face her, telling her jailers that she didn't want to see her.  
It's thought that George, her husband and Casey's father is furious that her lawyer suggested that both he and their son Lee has sexually abused her. 
Jail spokesman Allen Moore told Reuters: "This morning under policy, Casey was told of the visit and she has declined the visit so it will not occur." 
The snub came as it was revealed that Anthony will be only the second inmate in the past 15 years to not walk out the front door of the jail lobby when she is released on Sunday.
Instead a secret exit plan has been devised for her own protection, because it's feared people may try to attack her after the controversial. 
A jail insider revealed: "The last thing we want is some nut attacking her, or worse and the strength of public feeling is such, that it was felt measures should be taken." 
The only other inmate who got such special handling was Noelle Bush, daughter of then-Governor Jeb Bush and niece of then-President George W Bush, who the Secret Service believed could be targeted by terrorists.

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