
Saturday, July 16, 2011


IT PROBABLY wasn't the best way to make a good impression on the family court judge. 
Melissa Hardwick continually interrupted proceedings as her ex-husband explained why he'd filed a domestic violence complaint against her.
So Judge Jennifer Edwards warned her that she would be held in contempt if she carried on talking. 
But that didn't seem to make a blind bit of difference to angry Melissa, who just carried on chit chatting. 
Making good on her threat the judge promptly handed her a ten day sentence. 
But if she was any doubt that Hardwick had violent tendencies beforehand, they would have been quickly dispelled, when threw herself at the judge, lunging in, fists first.
Court security officer Adam Dodson, who helped to restrain the woman, said he had only seen such an incident occur in training.
He told WLEX: "I've worked there for three-and-a-half-years and this was the first time anything that serious had happened."
Hardwick was then sentenced 120 days in jail for contempt of court for the incident. 
And now she faces separate charges of third-degree terroristic threatening, intimidating a participant in the legal process and resisting arrest. 
Her bond is set at $25,000. 
Judge Edwards ruled after the incident that the domestic violence order filed by Hardwick's husband would remain. 

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