
Sunday, July 17, 2011


PHOTO: Casey Anthony, center, walks to a SUV with her lawyer Jose Baez after her release from the Orange County Jail in Orlando, Fla., early Sunday, July 17, 2011. Anthony was acquitted last week of murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.PARTY MOM Casey Anthony walked out of jail today a free woman. The 25-year-old shockingly acquitted of killing her toddler daughter was sprung just after midnight from the Orange County Jail. With most of the world still baying for blood, it seems almost unreal. Particularly when even the Florida jury that gave her the free pass all believed she killed Caylee in 2008.
A mob of demonstrators greeted her as she walked out of jail and perhaps into anonymity forever.
Jail flack Allen Moore said: "This release had an
unusual amount of security so, therefore, in that sense, it would not be a normal release. We have made every effort to not provide any special treatment for her. She's been treated like every other inmate."
She was only convicted of lying to cops. Don't laugh, but she filed an appeal on those convictions
According to reports, hundreds of protestors, carrying signs reading "Travesty of Justice," "Justice for Caylee ... Bella Vita" -- a reference to the tattoo Anthony got after Caylee went missing -- and "Don't Be a Part of Blood Money," had gathered outside the jail for much of the day. And they chanted: "Caylee, Caylee."Oh, and therePeople in the crow were actually a few supporters of the hard partying hosebag. It is widely believed she will alter her appearance and move away from Florida. PARTY MOM CASEY WILL DISAPPEAR

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