
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


THE HEARTACHE in New Hampshire continues as an autopsy to discover how Celina Cass died has so far been inconclusive. However, cops seem to have no doubt the soft-spoken 11-year-old was murdered. Her body was found in the Connecticut River Monday and now residents of her small town near the Canadian border are asking:why?
 Carole Rodrigue told the Boston Herald: “Whoever did this might be living here. I just hope they get the person and he pays for what he did, because she was just an innocent little girl.”
Assistant Attorney General Jane Young said the girl’s death was suspicious because of the condition of the body, but she declined to be specific. She said last night further study was needed on the autopsy.

Johanne Rodrigue told the Herald her 10-year-old son went to a nearby park with Celina and her family July 22, the Friday before she vanished. On the Tuesday, she said, Celina's sister, Kayla, 13, and a pal came looking for her. She said: “My son said to me, ‘Who would do that to Celina?’ and all I could tell him was, ‘I don’t know. I don’t know.’ ” MORE IN THE BOSTON HERALD

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