
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


THE NEIGHBOR of pretty law graduate Lauren Giddings has been charged in her grisly dismemberment murder. Classmate Stephen Mark McDaniel (the creepy neighbor from central casting) was charged last night with first-degree murder--he had been held on unrelated burglary charges.
Giddings sister Kaitlyn Wheeler told the Macon Telegraph: “It’s not a good feeling, but it feels like a step in the right direction toward closure. … It’s exciting in a way that you feel sick, not happy. We know this is going to be a long, hard process. It’s one more step toward him facing judgment. … It doesn’t mean he’s been convicted.”

During the month-long investigation into the popular Mercer University student's slaying, the road kept leading back to the weird neighbor McDaniel. Lauren Giddings, 27, was last heard from the evening of June 25. Five days later while investigating a missing persons report filed after her friends and family hadn’t heard from her, cops discovered her torso wrapped in plastic in a garbage bin beside her apartment. The 27-year-old’s body was released to her family for cremation last week.

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