
Sunday, August 28, 2011


NBA bad boy Javaris Crittenton is wanted for the drive by shooting of a 22-year-old mom of four, who was not the intended target of the murder, cops say.
The one time Laker, who was most recently drafted by the Washington Wizards was apparently aiming at someone who had robbed him.
But after driving up slowly in an SUV he mistakenly took out Jullian Jones, who later died from her injuries.  
Atlanta Police Major Keith Meadow said: "It's my understanding there was some jewelry and other valuables that were stolen. It appears that he may have had an NBA ring that was stolen during the robbery."
He added that witnesses identified Crittenton.
He told Fox Atlanta: "We had a great deal of outrage in that community shortly after Ms. Jones was shot and we had a great deal of cooperation from people in the community.
"We feel very good and comfortable with the evidence in this particular case."
It's not the first time the point guard, who in 2007 was the 19th draft pick for the Lakers, has been involved in gun play.
The NBA gave him a 38-game suspension after he and Arenas acknowledged bringing guns into the locker room in an argument with then-teammate Gilbert Arenas over gambling debts.
Crittenton, who is currently on the roster of the NBDL's Dakota Wizards received probation after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor gun charge in January 2010.

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