
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


A 'PREDATOR' is stalking and raping women near the University of Michigan campus, cops say and now the FBI has joined the hunt. 
The small community of Ann Arbor has been rocked by the five sex assaults, including two rapes on women between the ages of 18 and 26, all of which have taken place late at night or early in the morning. 
Police Chief Barnett Jones told The Detroit Free Press: "We have a predator, or predators, operating in our community."
He also confirmed that the FBI had also offered assistance in catching the beast, who has terrorized the close knit college community, by groping, robbing and sexually assaulting  the women, the last attack happening on Tuesday. 
University of Michigan student Matt McAnelly and his girlfriend Emily Zinn said one 18-year-old victim was raped less than 10 foot away from their apartment on July 18.

She told the paper: "She probably didn't even know we were in there. The attack happened right outside the bedroom window. ‘If she would have screamed, we were right there.
"I didn't hear anything until I heard crying, and I looked out the window."
She added that the couple heard nothing during the vicious assault.
Cops have released two composite pictures of the suspects and a $1,000 reward has been offered for information leading to an arrest.

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