
Thursday, September 29, 2011


HE paid the ultimate price. At 7:14 p.m. last night Florida took vengeance on cop killer Manuel Valle who murdered Coral Cables officer Louis Pena in 1978. Valle was the first Florida prisoner to be executed with a new mix of lethal drugs. Besides Pena, Valle also shot another cop, Gary Spell, who was only saved by the bullet proof vest he was wearing.
Valle fatally shot Coral Gables officer Louis Pena in 1978. He also shot fellow officer Gary Spell, who was saved by his bulletproof vest. Valle ate a final
dinner of fried chicken breast, white rice, garlic toast, peach cobbler and a Coca-Cola.

Pena's daughters were there for the execution. According to the Gainesville Sun, Jeneane Skeen and Lisa Pena hugged and cried after the brown curtain to the death chamber closed. Valle underwent several trials and execution dates before Wednesday.
Skeen said her family endured trial after trial stoically — “because the murderer has rights.” But she added: “This is not justice. For 33 years, people have asked us if the death penalty will give us closure … We finally got revenge on the low-life piece of human waste that murdered our father. We wanted him to look out and see we haven't forgotten. We've been there since day one of the hearing and we'll be there to the end.”

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