
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


THE MEDICAL mogul who's naked girlfriend was found mysteriously hanging in his mansion has asked the California attorney general to review their findings. 
Wrists and ankles bound, Rebecca Zahau, was found hanging from the balcony of Jonah Shacknai's 27-bedroom home, known to locals in Coronado, CA as Spreckles mansion.  
A strange message daubed in black paint on the bedroom door read: "She saved him. Can you save her."  
Her death came just one day after his six-year-old son Max, fell down the home's grand staircase when she was supposed to be looking after him. 
His injuries were so severe that he died a few days later. 
As we reported here cops ruled her death was a suicide, even though her sister Mary Zahau Loener refused to believe it.
Shacknai, 54, said he had no reason to doubt findings by authorities, but has called for a review of the case to give: "Comfort, confidence and resolution" to those questioning the verdict. 
He wrote in a letter: "I believe the only way to achieve some dignified resolution for everyone who has been touched by the horrible events of this summer will be through the efforts of your office." 
The founder and chief executive of Medicis Pharmaceuticals Corp, which is know for it's acne treatments also acknowledged in his letter that the circumstances of Zahau's death were "undeniably strange."
Lynda Gledhill, a spokeswoman for California Attorney General, Kamala Harris, declined to comment beyond acknowledging the letter had been received.

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