
Friday, October 7, 2011


A TWISTED granny calmly threw her granddaughter off a six story bridge because she was furious that her daughter had got pregnant out of wedlock, a jury decided yesterday. As we reported here, Carmela Dela Rosa  was shopping with her daughter Mary Ogdoc and two-year-old granddaughter Angelyn when she picked up the toddler and tossed her off the pedestrian walkway in the busy Fairfax, VA mall. Her anguished daughter Mary Ogdoc could only watch on in horror as the screaming toddler fell more than 45ft. She told cops at the time that she turned
around to see: "my mother's hands come out under my daughter, over the railing."
Desperately, she ran down six flight of steps to comfort her little girl, who stayed alive for several hours after the fall, but ultimately died from the severity of her injuries.
But when she looked up to her own mother, who's family had been keeping an eye on because of multiple suicide attempts: "She was looking on with no expression, resting her head on the railing."
When cops arrived, Dela Rosa readily admitted what she had done telling one officer: "Yes I did it. I threw the baby off."
Patrol officer Anthony Stancampiano testified that he immediately placed Dela Rosa under arrest after she admitted to the crime but said she did not give him a reason why she'd done it.
The 50-year-old's lawyers had tried to claim that she was insane at the time of the crime and defense witnesses testified that she was diagnosed with severe depression and tried to kill herself on several occasions in the months after the incident. 
But prosecutors argued that she clearly understood right from wrong and was motivated by anger at her son-in-law for getting her daughter pregnant out of wedlock.
The trial moves to the sentencing phase, where the jury must decide on a prison term.

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