
Saturday, October 29, 2011


A JON And Kate Plus 8 producer has been busted on 10 counts of child porn and sexual exploitation of a minor, which means he had a picture of a youngster engaged in sexual activity. 
The Gosselin's were said to be horrified that William Blankinship, known as Bill to pals, who has editing credits on the TLC show, has been picked up as part of a State Bureau Investigation sting known as Operation Spyglass.
The program covered the growing pains of their sextuplets, now aged seven and twins now aged 11. 
A friend of the family said: "Jon and Kate are horrified by these allegations. The fact that anyone associated with the show could be accused of something like this is sickening for them.

"For any parent it would be hard, but the thought that their children might have been viewed in such a way sent shivers down their spines."
As well as Jon And Kate Plus 8,  Blankinship, who is professionally known as Bill, has editing credits on some of TLC’s top-rated family shows featuring children including,  17 Kids and Counting and Table for 12.     
Blankinship was never directly employed by the cable channel but instead he was a subcontractor from the production company Figure 8 Films.
In a statement the company said: "Bill Blankinship was employed by Serious Robots, with whom Figure 8 Films subcontract for editing services. 
"Upon learning of the shocking allegations his employment was terminated. At no time was this man ever in the field or in direct contact with any of the talent for any of our productions."
Operation Spyglass has seen a  total of 24 men so far have been given felony charges for the possession and distribution of child pornography and/or sexual acts with a minor.

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