
Tuesday, November 22, 2011


A JILTED lover blasted her ex-boyfriend and five children in a crazy murderous rampage before turning the gun on herself, after a bitter love triangle erupted into bloodshed. 
Mary Ann Holder went mad after Randall Lamb, 40, ended their affair and decided to go back to his wife Jennifer. 
So after calling him to a meeting near their home in Greensboro, NC, she fired a number of shots she eventually managed to blast him in the shoulder, as he ran away. 
She went on to shoot her sons Robert Dylan Smith 17, and Zachary Smith, 14, in the head, instantly killing the eldest, before firing at Robert's girlfriend, Makayla Woods, 15, and killing her niece, Hannaleigh Suttles, eight.
Zachary remains in critical condition.  
Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes called the grisly killings: "One of the worst situations I've seen in my 30 years in law enforcement."
"We’ve got death. We’ve got drama. We’ve got a situation basically no one could ever imagine."  
He added that the situation between Holder and Lamb had been boiling for a while, especially after Jennifer Lamb filed an alienation of affection claim, which allows someone who is cheated on to sue the person their spouse had an affair with.
But investigators are still trying to unravel the violent chain of events to understand why Holder took out her rage on children. 
Holder left notes taking responsibility for the shootings and apologizing for the pain she was causing, Sheriff Barnes said.
The notes also indicate Holder was angry about how her relationship with Lamb came to an end. 
Sheriff Barnes added: "They were obviously shot for the purpose of killing them. You can call it an execution, you can call it a shooting, you can call it whatever you want. The result is the same. We may never know exactly what her thoughts were and why."
Authorities were also trying to determine when the victims in Holder’s home were shot and whether it happened before or after she met with Lamb.

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