
Tuesday, November 22, 2011


A CRAZY restaurant worker poured animal medication into a pot of fresh coffee because he had a "delusion" that he should kill customers, cops said.
Edwin Ledgard, dubbed 'special ed' by colleagues, dumped three 100-mililiter vials of a drug used to treat anemia in baby pigs into a brewing pot of coffee at a Frisch's Big Boy in a random attempt to bump people off.
But thankfully another worker at the Toledo, OH restaurant  saw the weird wannabe assassin and stopped him, before any serious damage could be done.
Police identified the drug as Dextran, also known as Iron-100, which is injected into suckling pigs' muscles to correct iron deficiency after birth.
Information about the potential consequences of human ingestion was not readily available Saturday night.
But cops said Ledgard, 36, intended to kill customers.
A police source said: "This guy basically wanted to murder people, as many people as possible. Why he wanted to hurt people is a mystery, but that was definitely his intention."   
Ledgard is charged with one count of contaminating a substance for human consumption and was held at the Lucas County jail pending arraignment Monday morning in Toledo Municipal Court.
An attempt to contact a restaurant manager Saturday was unsuccessful.

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