
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


THE MYSTERY mansion where Rebecca Zahau was found hanging has been sold by her multi-millionaire medical mogul boyfriend. 
Jonah Shacknai apparently took a big hit on the Spreckels mansion, when he sold it to an investment group earlier this month, possibly as much as $7million. 
But pal say the bad memories associated with the home, combined with his huge fortune, made the hit worthwhile. 
As we reported here his 32-year-old girlfriend Rebecca Zahau  was found hanging with her arms and legs bound from a balcony in the 27 bedroom home. 
A strange message daubed in black paint on the bedroom door read: "She saved him, can you save her?"
Throughout her family have maintained that she would not have killed herself and last week they had her body exhumed last week, which allegedly paid for by TV star and psychologist Dr Phil McGraw, to look for further evidence of foul play.
Their hopes for further investigation were boosted last week, when the forensic pathologist who conducted the second autopsy said coroners 'rushed to judgement' on ruling the death a suicide.
Questions have also been asked about the death of Shacknai's six-year-old son Max, who was fatally injured a day before her death, when Zahau was supposed to be looking after him. 
He reportedly fell down the grand staircase, but as we reported here the boy's physician, Dr Brad Peterson was quoted in a search warrant saying suffocation may have occurred prior his fall.
Shacknai has not commented on the sale but his real estate agent told the LA Times: "He's done."

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