
Friday, February 25, 2011


Canada's Problem
FILM nutter star Randy Quaid will be allowed to stay in Canada after border authorities dropped  inadmissibility proceedings against him. 
His wife Evi, whose father was born in Canada, was granted citizenship earlier this month and she can now sponsor the actor as an immigrant.   
The actor told a press conference: "When Evi and I came to Canada last October we could never have envisioned how things would unfold and how our lives would change.
"Today we're here to say thank you Canada. Thank you for your warm welcome. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to live in
The pair applied for refugee status in October, claiming they were being persecuted in the U.S. and were possible targets of so-called "Hollywood star-whackers" who were bent on killing actors.
Evi Quaid said friends such as actors David Carradine and Heath Ledger were "murdered" under mysterious circumstances and she was worried something would happen to her husband.
They also failed to appear at a hearing in Santa Barbara, Calif. on felony burglary and misdemeanor charges which stem from accusations they allegedly squatted in the guest house of a home they used to own.
Canadians weren't exactly delighted that the pair were going to join their country however.
One, Steven Michael O'Grady, said: "Those guy's are nuts. Why would we want them here?"

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