THIEVIN' MAKES a man hungry. At least it did for former Pizza Hut employee Cory Mogen. Seems likes Cory got a mite peckish and really wanted some Pizza Hut. What's a boy to do? The totally hammered 21-year-old decided that he was not going to let a closed sign stop him. So he broke in and that's where cops found him: cookin' up some chicken wings.
"They booked him and held him on burglary," says St. Cloud Minnesota Police Sgt. Martin Sayer, noting that the student has yet to be charged. "Today would be his first court appearance."
Cops got the call in the early morning hours that the alarm had been tripped and when they arrived found our hero covered in marinara sauce and attempting to cook some boneless wings. He blew a .22 into the breathalyzer. He's booked on third-degree burglary.
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