MISSING 11-year-old Celina Cass's stepfather has a violent past, filled with allegations of criminal behavior and mental illness records reveal. Wendell Noyes, 47, was busted for threatening an ex-girlfriend back in 2003, after breaking into her home while she and her two children slept, picking up her mattress and slamming it down.
As a result of the 2003 attack, court records show that the 47-year-old was involuntarily committed after being diagnosed with schizophrenia.
At the time, Judge Richard Hampe ruled Noyes was incompetent to stand trial, writing that the man's mental illness created "a potentially serious likelihood of danger to himself and others."
Pretty Celina, 11, vanished without trace Monday, after last being seen playing on her computer at around 9pm, sparking a huge manhunt, around the small town of Stewartson, NH, which has just 800 residents and is just a mile away from the Canadian border.