REMEMBER when Gumby tried to rob the 7-ELEVEN, but failed because he couldn't get his gun out of his costume. Video footage here.
Well anyway, he's now decided to surrender and he's even handed in his disguise.
The bungling Gumby is actually Jacob Kiss, 19, and his pal, who didn't even bother to disguise himself is Jason Giramma, also 19.
They were such bad thieves that when the costumed clown walked into the San Diego convenience store and demanded cash, the clerk thought it was a joke.
Ignoring the life sized Claymation character, he carried on cleaning up. Annoyed at being shunned the furry green bandit told him: "You don't think this is a robbery? I have a gun."
But as he fumbled around in the costume, it hampered his efforts, so after several minutes, Gumby gave up.
Walking out of the store after he even dropped 26 cents out of his pocket, meaning his efforts actually cost him money.
'You don't think this is a robbery? I have a gun,' the costumed man said, fumbling inside his costume as if trying to retrieve a weapon, Hassen said.
San Diego police Detective Gary Hassen said:
"It doesn't matter if a potential robber is wearing a ski mask, a bandanna, a hoodie or a big, green head - it's still a disguise."
Jason Giramma however denied that they were trying to rob the store.
He told the Jeff & Jer radio show: "We simply just wanted some cigarettes. Jacob likes to put on the 'Gumby' costume to make everyone happy [and] cheer people up and everything. He just had it on and I guess people took it the wrong way.
"I've no idea where they got the robbery thing from. If we were really trying to rob the place, wouldn't you think that I would wear a mask too?"
Police said that they are still handling the case as an attempted robbery, which is a felony.
Any charges, however, will be determined by the district attorney's office.
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