Friday, January 14, 2011


Arizona mass killer Jared Loughner's maniacal actions devastated millions--including his parents.
The young killer opened fire in Tucson last Saturday at a political event killing six and wounding 13.
Ever since, Randy and Amy Loughner, have been bedridden and sobbing. There is little sympathy.
But a small group of people know the horrible place the Loughner's are at: call them, the parents of the damned.
"In the weeks and months that followed the killings, I was nearly insane with sorrow for the suffering my son had caused, and with grief
for the child I had lost," wrote Susan Klebold, the mother of
Dylan Klebold who became notorious for shooting up Columbine High School and then killing himself.
"While I perceived myself to be a victim of the tragedy, I didn't have the comfort of being perceived that way by most of the community," she wrote in O magazine in 2009.
"I was widely viewed as a perpetrator or at least an accomplice since I was the person who had raised a 'monster.' ... If I turned on the radio, I heard angry voices condemning us for Dylan's actions. Our elected officials stated publicly that bad parenting was the cause of the massacre."

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