Thursday, January 27, 2011


A TWISTED New York rapist cops described as a "sexual predator" used Facebook to meet his victims before attacking them.
Colonie Police Lt. Robert Winn said: "He was using Facebook as a means to meet underage girls. He started off by gaining one friendship with a girl. 
"Then he had access to her friend page and requested to be friends with all friends, using her as a reference point."
He added: "He was providing them with marijuana and soliciting them for sex as well."
Cops were first alerted to Bradt's behavior when a mother of a 16-year-old girl learned of her daughter's friendship with him and contacted them.

He was arrested after they found online directions on his computer to the home of an underage girl he was meeting for sex.
Winn said all four victims Bradt was accused of raping were either 15 or 16 years old.
He is still under investigation, and there was a possibility he could face more charges.

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