But in the end it came down old-fashioned spy work and a gutsy call by President Barack Obama. The president made the call to use commandos instead of a bombing attack. And according to sources, while the intel was good that the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks and countless other atrocities was in the
compound, the CIA hinted it was onlyu 60-80 per cent.
According to CNN: The story began many years ago when intelligence officers interviewing high-value detainees in U.S. custody, including KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed) and Abu Faraj al Libbi, got some critical leads on couriers "who might be facilitating OBL, (Osama bin Laden)," one U.S. official familiar with the operation said. The detainees confirmed some names. But there was one courier's identity some of the detainees "held out" on; they would only give a nickname.
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