AS ANOTHER week in the Casey Anthony murder trial wrapped up, her defence team are starting to try and rip holes in the prosecution's case. Read: they're trying to plant the seeds of reasonable doubt. We say, 'good luck dude!' Florida Party Mom Anthony, 25, is charged with first-degree murder in the 2008 slaying of her toddler daughter Caylee. If convicted, she will likely get the needle. On Saturday, Dr. Werner Spitz said that the duct tape found on Caylee's skull was placed there AFTER decomposition. The prosecution has claimed that the little girl was suffocated by the placement of the duct tape over her nose and
mouth. Of course, after she disappeared, her mom seemed hell-bent on partying hard, banging every guy in sight and continuing with her moronic lifestyle in Orlando, Florida. Indeed, the past week has been chock-a-block with outlandish claims by the defence: dad did it, incest, yada, yada.
Spitz--a forensic pathologist--also slammed Orange County Medical examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia for his "shoddy" autopsy. The judge slammed the defence for not informing the prosecution of their first witness of the day.
* Claimed there was no examination inside Caylee's skull, "standard practice", he sniffed.
* The dried sediment indicated the body decomposed on the left. That differs from the crime scene.
* Lack of DNA on the duct tape indicated it was put there to keep the jawbone from falling off: meaning, someone moved the body.
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