THE TWISTED lawyer who shot his pajama-clad children to death and then tucked them in was in the midst of a bitter divorce, according to the New York tabloids. Samuel Friedlander, 50, a Westchester County lawyer used a 12-gauge shotgun to commit his heinous deed on sleeping Molly, 10, and Gregory, 8. The New York State Police said: "It appears they were covered up with the bedspreads that were on their beds after they were shot." He also used a chair leg to batter his estranged wife Amy, 46, until she was dead. Then he killed himself. People who knew the lawyer did not see the tragedy coming and had no
clues as to what drove his apparently insatiable bloodlust.
"Amy was not only a business partner but a personal friend and loving mother," friend Debiorah Bernstein told the Daily News. "She will be truly missed by us and the community at large."
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